Chapter 2: In the beginning. (pp.16-21)
- calamitous: 災難をもたらす、悲惨な: pollution with oxygen must have been calamitous.
- reclusive:隠遁した、世を捨てた: From dominating the world, they shrank back to a reclusive existence at the margins.
- at the margins:その余白に;
- noxious:有毒な:a noxious mixture of hydrogen, methane and ammonia
- congeal:固まる、凝結する:
- insurmountable:克服できない: an insurmountable problem
- incipient:始まりの、初期の: incipient forms of life
- coalesce: 合体する、一体化する:
- conflagration:大火災、大火事、災害、戦争
- exasperate:怒らせる、イライラさせる
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